Wednesday, March 28, 2012

On Threshing Fields

There are so many distinctions, ideas, and opinions. I must let a person speak their mind. A response is not always necessary. I must understand that whatever I posit is simply a personal belief. The use of belief to devalue belief perhaps stems from the desire to be acknowledged or validated. It is the practice of impressing upon others an idea as some revelatory truth that they should accept. My truth is my own. I must be satisfied with that knowledge and relinquish the need to piece apart and refute another's perspective.

We are all trying to make sense of life. Everyone shares their understanding of it from time-to-time. The "This is what he/she meant" or "This is what is meant" is an exhausting exercise. If a person is not present to confirm my interpretation of what they've realized for themselves, it is not for me to make sense of for others; thus, the practice of misunderstanding. It is an already difficult task to accurately convey ones own thoughts and emotions, to ensure that what one expresses is correctly received, and all the more difficult to make any attempt at justly receiving and then sharing the thoughts of another. An idea or thing for one is never exactly what it is believed to be by another—interpretation is always a complicated matter.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Poetry: 'My Discipline'

Tempering my expectations and the emotions & actions elicited
and censoring the explicit nature of some anger that's persisted,
that lingers like a mist found in the hollow of a land,
a dale, or a depression.
It can all be so depressing;
until I learned that when a volcano burns
it is both a lesson, and a blessing. It has answered all my questions.

So when my mind is blown and what's shown is all that I Know;
an acceptance of Self, under the cover of stealth, then emerges;
purging the subversive power of suggestion,
that has been lying to me all this time,
that has been undermining Mind,
providing me with, and then preoccupying, time.
Time is determined to conceal a You that exudes a Truth that is real
a Truth that's all your own,
a Truth beyond intellect,
a Truth that's yours to own,
a Truth you've got to feel,
a hidden island toward which you steal away
a shore toward which your soul must effortlessly

There is a seed within us all that is not nourished, only sown.
We musn't shield it, We must wield it, so that it may boldly grow,

to yield a field of Possibilities;
a telling realm of 'Right Now', where you are free to Be!

It's an Art-of-Fact realized only by self-excavation
Unattainable by means of self-adoration, occupation & station, 

proliferation, sensation, or material accumulation.
To ascertain Truth, and for the shift to begin, listen to within
Self-enquire, you'll aspire to new heights,
and disappear, like a phoenix, in to the Light of New Life.
Or, like a raven in to the silent Light of an Awakening Night.
Spread the wings of intuition, and watch your insight take flight!

No time, No mind
Only the power that Be
No past or future
No you, we, them, me
Only One Light exists...
lest too many we see.
Only One Life that's lead...

lest too several their be.

Photo: Via Jordan Rempel: initialRmanTestWParticles