Friday, November 23, 2012

On The Presence of Peace

For the purpose of the following, the word 'One' connotes some innate state of humanity, where all exist as some undifferentiated source of life energy; 'One' may be what the word "God" or any other variation of the term or intellectual understanding seeks to define. 'One' may be I, you, we, or they, but none neither alone nor in part can be 'One'.

In this present state of being, there 'will not' be One—one world, one love, one being. In the state of individuation there 'will' only be what is perceived through One's experience as individual or Self, and as such, many selves. Here there are several worlds. There are my, your, their, and its worlds.

Consider your self a world. Within worlds, there is conflict, and drama being played out. There are 'world wars' (internal conflict) and 'wars of the worlds' (external conflict). A 'world war' has to do with self-trust, self-confidence, self-understanding, self-acceptance or self-conquest.  A 'war of the worlds' has to do with the way you interact with everything you regard as distinct from "your" self (e.g. "another" self and its experiences, ideas, or beliefs); it is a war of differentiation & individualization wrought by interpretation, opinion, and disagreement. A 'war of the worlds' is a disposition of Self that is concerned with outer conquest and its sole preeminence. Both are concerned with individual recognition & acceptance. 'World wars' and 'wars of the worlds' are simply valuative dispositions that comprise selves. They are the framework for life as we know it; more specifically, as the One is currently experiencing it.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

On Sight, Sound, and Self-Control

We are conceived by Sight & Sound. Birth is that space during which an existence primarily of sound approaches an existence that is capable of being comprised equally so of sight (as well as the other senses that I will not address here). I refer to an individual's "nine month" gestation period, through to "birth"; their coming into some seemingly subsequent stage of a human's being.

The relationship is established between sight and sound at what seems an early stage in human development, although the term "established" can be misleading. A relationship isn't so much established as that a 'genesis of differentiation' has just occured, or some new awareness has just been arrived at. A human being transitions from some state of aural incorporative immersion out in to an isolating and "dissected" state of visual differentiation, where what was once an indistinguishable event seems like two factions of reality competing for some newly exhibited intellectual understanding; one reality that acts as two interpretive hubs (i.e. Sight & Sound) for the expression of life experience.

It is possible that sight & sound have always existed, in some undifferentiated state, however, it is here that some distinction is drawn; as Walter J. Ong puts it, "Sight isolates, sound incorporates." What precedes the undifferentiated state? What consciousness first observed and coaxed such an 'idea'—that is, the state—in to being? At what point in time did consciousness arrive at sight and sound? And still, what, if anything, precedes such consciousness? What is it that has no name, but was first named by its creation(s)?