Wednesday, September 4, 2013

On Actions & Attitude

The key to fulfillment is within you; look no further — not up, not down, neither right, nor left. Your happiness does not depend on accolades, the approval of others, or material possessions. Should you choose to project anything out into the "world", project Love through your cultivated Love & Acceptance of self; from such Love stems Love of all (which is essentially still self).

People's actions reflect their attitude, as do yours. Be reminded of this at all times. This understanding will help facilitate within you an accountability for all you do and say, and it will aid you in your practice of taking nothing personal. It is an empowering understanding
— knowing that much of what others do & say has far more to do with themselves than you. Have you ever shared your dreams & aspirations with people only to be met with discouragement, doubt, or what "you should..." do? The discouragement, doubt, or "you should..." that you encounter may simply be your detractors' insecurities or beliefs. There is no need to make them your own. It may be prudent to acknowledge and carefully consider these projections.

Oftentimes, such encounters can be dealt with in one of three ways: 1.) Reactively (i.e. defiantly or defensively), 2.) Resignedly (i.e. passively or obediently), or 3.) Undeterred. Remember that come day-end these are your dreams & aspirations and your life experience we speak of. Intuit (or reason) your way through life with an appreciation for the opportunity it presents to you and/or an appreciation toward whatever you believe has provided you with said opportunity. Enact your appreciation through responsible and considerate living.

Be Well, Loved Ones...


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