Friday, January 20, 2012

Poetry: 'A Holiday Observation'

The aisles are crammed with Wanted and Wants
The folks are all mesmerized; drifting and sifting,
oblivious to the ground beneath their feet shifting.

Some are adorned with bobbles & bangles
Some solely devoted to working their angles
Some work in pairs; like parsnips & pears,
with their mouths all agape, as they dawdle & stare.

Their shoulders brush, as they bustle along;
right passed one-another, humming that song,
absorbed in their task and spending their cash
Reaping what one day will find refuge as refuse,
amassed in their trash.

There go two more! That's the fifth time they've passed.
What of this season gives reason to pursue...
the unnecessary excessive little things that we do?
One hundred or more people in store,
yet we better acquaint with the shelves so adorned,

So when asked why I find what's become so abhorrent
It is without so much as connecting that we exit...
the door of the storefront
Which then lends to a perplexing question of intent:
Where has this "spirit" we speak of disappeared to or went?

(Originally written on the evening of 24 Dec 2011)

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